Yes, all products offered by Heri Global LTD are 100% original and imported according to quality standards.
Orders are typically prepared within 1-3 business days, and delivery is completed within 3-5 business days depending on your address.
Yes, you can return your product within 14 days of receiving it. Products must be unused, in their original packaging, and in a resellable condition. To initiate a return, please contact our customer service team.
Shipping is free of charge.
All of our products are imported from the USA (United States) and comply with international quality standards.
Yes, our payment processes are secured by Shopify’s infrastructure, and modern SSL encryption technology is used. Your credit card information is never shared with third parties.
Once your order is shipped, you will receive a tracking number. With this number, you can track your order in real time through the shipping company.
Our customer support team is available from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm on weekdays. You can reach us via email or through live chat on our website for any questions or requests.
Yes, we are always here with after-sales support. For any product-related questions, you can contact our customer service team for detailed assistance.